Something exciting happened today that is going to change for the better the way I communicate!! After a 19 month wait list, today was my first appointment at the ICAN centre at the Glenrose rehabilitation hospital . They specialise in augmentative electronic voice communication. The past few years since spoken communication has become so tough for me, I've patched together my own alternative communication methods (ie writing on a notepad, using an app on my phone with an electronic voice etc), but going to the experts is so much better.
Today they've loaned me this fancy communication device to trial. If it works out as well as I think it will, I can maybe get one to keep. It has an electronic voice that can adjust on volume and speed, as well as has word prediction and saved conversations that will help me communicate faster. It can also access the Internet and do a bunch of other neat stuff that will help me both with verbal communication and even writing stories.
Isn't it wonderful to live in this day and age of technology? My life would have been truly different if it was just 20 years ago and I was facing this. For so many thousands of years, people with speaking disabilities were silent. How many through the ages have sat quietly in homes the world over as their lives passed by in silence because the barriers to communication were just too high? How many great ideas and wonderful connections have been locked inside the minds of those who could not verbally communicate?
It makes me want to tell the stories I tell in their honour- my silenced brothers and sisters who've lived and gone before me. To those who did not have the incredible gifts of communication I've received.
To have an electronic voice when my own physical one is not an option is a gift I won't ever take lightly.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Song of the cherry blossom

It tells a story that if only we listen could take us down a path to the Artist Herself.

Saturday, April 23, 2016
Hyacinth blue
Have you ever felt a strong preference toward a certain colour? If you had to describe your personality in any shade, colour, or hue- what would it be?
For me, it is hyacinth blue. If ever there was a colour that describes who I am on the inside it would be the vivid purple- blue of the spring hyacinth. Solemn and quiet. A crescendo of deep emotions.

I've long had an intuitive sense of self, drawn to the deep blues our world offers. However, for many years, if I could have chosen, I'd probably have picked for my soul to be the bright vivid yellow of a gorgeous late-August sunflower.
I believed if only I could emulate the sunny, energetic, extroverted, ever confident personalities I saw in others, that I'd become good enough to be accepted as I was.
That I don't have the sunniest of personalities seemed like a terrible secret to be hidden at all costs. I felt deep shame. Even now as a mother in my thirties, I still sometimes really struggle with this.

But overtime, my journey has taken me towards peace. It took a long time, but finally I began to accept myself as I am, to see there could be worth--beauty even-- in a personality that is more contemplative than vivacious, more quiet and introspective than life of the party.

I like feeling things deeply--it has has caused me to develop a rich inner life where I question everything and take little for granted.
I'm sensitive to so many things- both pain and beauty. My hope is for the pain I live with to develop within my heart an empathy for others who hurt.
It has also been a catalyst that's drawn me towards beauty, to develop an appreciation for and connection with the beauty of our natural world.
It has set me on a journey towards peace.

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Grandma Jean Schentag

I just bid her goodbye, and while my eyes are overflowing with tears, my heart is full to capacity with love and gratitude.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The dramatic music of earliest spring

It reminds me of the beginning stages of a great theatrical performance, that glorious moment when the music has just begun and the first dancers swirl onto the stage, and you sit on seat's edge in captivated wonder.
Over the past week, little green shoots have begun to appear. I was especially excited a few days back to discover that suddenly tiny blue flowers have sprung up by the side of the house.

For months I've been slowly recovering from an injury that makes it hard to walk. Trying to walk over the uneven 3ft patch of grass to see those little blue flowers was absolutely impossible, much less bend down nose to nose so I could take a close up photo. So as each day i wheeled down the sidewalk in my wheelchair I grew increasingly wistful.
Finally last night I determined perhaps their must be a way... and I found one!
My upper body is very weak due to my 16 year oddesy with a chronic pain causing health condition- probably my strength is in the less than 3rd percentile for a woman my age. But then again a few months of wheelchair wheeling inside my home has built up my arm strength a I decided it was worth it to try and see what my upper body could do.

While holding onto the bottom stair on our front steps, I carefully lowered myself to the ground, . Then by partially crawling, dragging myself, and semi-rolling in a most undignified, non-35 year old mother of a teenager way... I made my way toward those flowers, pulling myself inch by inch with my newly stronger upper body.
And I made it...nose to nose to with those flowers. Spirit to spirit, created being to created being.

And I realized two things.
1) Those flowers that looked so blue from afar are actually a delicate white with darling powder blue stripes.
2) My body and abilities may have changed. My spirit hasn't. I'm still the same creative, kooky, eccentric, determined, plant-loving Jenna. I'm still here, me. For a while I wasn't sure. Now I know I am.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Pain and beauty

Some nights are so hard that it takes my breath away. These are the times to hold on the truth that not every moment is as challenging as this one. And to remember that beauty and good always are part of life, even on the hard days. That is where art comes into the picture for me. I'm not a traditional artist. I rarely paint or draw or sew or knit. I don't collect cans and turn them into creative collages. Instead my art is in discovering, finding, and reveling in the natural beauty of our amazing world. The earth is my canvas.
My goal is to seek out beauty and good as much as I can in life- I think that is one of the gifts that can be found in living inside a body that is so intimately acquainted with pain. I hope also that it opens my mind and heart to an awareness of and compassion for the pain and struggles of others. And reminding myself that beauty co-exists with the pain helps my spirit grasp onto gratitude.

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