A few springs ago, after a long winter of devouring library books on Victorian and cottage style gardens, I went off to my favourite greenhouse (the Canadian Tire nursery). After walking up and down and yonder through the aisles looking at more rose varieties than I knew existed, I carefully selected two little rose bushes. Planting them beside our side door, my heart was full with visions of the beautiful arch of roses I hoped would grow.
What I didn't consider, however, were the harsh conditions the poor little bushes would endure, from the terrible cold of a Canadian prairie winter to how the door would continuously hit them as it opened, to how years later I would often snag one as I awkwardly attempted to clamber on the power wheelchair I now park by the door.

There is no sign of the beautiful arch of roses I once so proudly envisioned.
Nonetheless, a few nights ago, I discovered that the little bush has produced one perfect, stunning rose blossom. One bloom so beautiful it takes my breath away. I could not describe a more perfect rose.
The bush has also produced a few more small buds that will soon be blooms ....they carry the story of hope in their petals. Staring at them the other night I could think of no greater form of natural beauty in all the earth.

I ache daily over those lost dreams. Big dreams, like of resuming the career I loved, or of adopting a house full of kids, or of traveling the world. Smaller dreams, like being able to walk across the grass in my backyard to plant a pumpkin in my garden, or to drive again, or to have the stamina to throw a party for my closest friends, and laugh the night away.
Right now my energy is saved for only the most important of things. Loving my family. Loving God. Loving the earth around me. Trying to regain ground with my health and strength. There is no arch of roses to be found.

These are the flowers of my life. It's not the giant arch I dreamed of. But it is beauty undeniably. And my heart stops crying over lost arches and instead bends to say thank you for what I've been bestowed.
Life is though. God is good. You are a beautiful blossoming rose.
DeleteThanks mom <3
DeleteThanks mom <3
Jenna, what a beautiful post. Lots of love to you.
ReplyDeleteJenna, what a beautiful post. Lots of love to you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Penny, love and hugs back to you!
DeleteThanks Penny, love and hugs back to you!